Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Seventy Years

Degrees -Delayed awards (72), advanced degrees (191), honorary degrees proposed (231), first honorary degree (309), Doctors of Engineering (342, 354, 363)

Design Course - Discontinued (147)

Discipline of Students - (59), glee-club affair (112), horse in chapel (162), withholding of diplomas (163), 1896 bonfire (191)

Dramatics - "Techsedo Minstrels" (161), "Jack and the Beanstalk" (161), "Shylock, Jr." (192), "Eldern's Uncle (227), "The Flirt (227), "Man Proposes" (245), "Lost a Fortune, " " House That Jack Built, " "Cup and the Cop" (270), "Too Many Redheads (281), Tech Show revived (309), name "Masque" adopted (325)

Duffy Loan Fund, George E. (350)

Educational Plan - (41, 44), first courses of study (58), four-year course adopted (148), courses remodelled (206), war-time schedules (282), study of curriculum, 1925, (323)

Electrical Engineering - Course established (147), post-graduates (148), department organized (184), expansion (190), proposed enlargement (203, 210), cooperative course (305)

Electrical Engineering Laboratories - Plans and construction (211), cost (211), trolley car (346)

Electrical Engineering Society -Tech Elect (156), branch of the A.I.E.E. (225)

Endowment Funds - In 1882 (81), campaign of 1883 (122), value in 1901 (177), new accounting system (214), value in 1910 (215), in 1913 (252), 1920 Endowment (298), value in 1922 (317), in 1925 (320), depression losses (355), value in 1936 (358)

Endowment Fund of 1920 -Plans for raising (295), campaign committee (296), publicity (297), campaign (298), results and cost (298)

Enrollment of Students - First class (57), first limitation (66), origins, 1869-81 (106), during war (283), publicity (324), proposed restriction (345)

Evening Courses - In drawing (67), for industrial workers (305), extension courses (323)

Expositions - At Baltimore, New York, Vienna (87), at Philadelphia (88), at St. Louis (203, 209), at Liege, Buffalo (209)

Faculty - Original members (44), additions, 1869-71 (61), 1871-82 (91), 1882-94 (142), 1894-1901 (183), 1901-11 (204, 213, 216), 1911-13 (235), salary scale, 1916 (264), changes, 1913-25 (265, 277, 292, 303, 320), retirement allowances (293), salaries (294, 303, 345), sabbatical leaves (342), retirement fund (345), retirement age (360)

Fay Bequest, Frank T. - (351)

Fiftieth Anniversaries -Celebration of founding (260), of first graduation (312)

Fifty-Year Associates - (332)

Foundry - Construction (203), exhibit at St. Louis (203)


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