Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Seventy Years

Athletic Council - Organized (272), activities tax (326, 342)

Baker Fund, Ella McCullagh -Gift of Charles Baker (240)

Bigelow Trade-School Plan -(140)

Boynton Fund - Original gift (3, 36), Kaven gift (356)

Boynton Hall - Subscriptions (8, 27), building committee and plans (38), construction (40), dedication (49), James White tablet (76), proposed extension (122), remodelled, 1889 (133), heating system (203), library moved (251), remodelled, 1924 (319), chapel remodelled (341)

Boynton Street Wall - Knowlton gift (76), extension (239)

Boynton-Sweetser Plan - (5)

Business Courses - Business Law (206), Shop Management (222), Commercial Engineering proposed (280), Wilder bequest (300, 306), alumni committee report (306), Elements of Business (359)

Butterfield Fund, Fannie Day -Established (273), transfer to Institute (356)

Campus - Selection of site (36), first Salisbury gift (37), grading (39), second Salisbury gift (66), third gift (67), lots on Boynton St. (77), relocation of Jo Bill Road (133), purchase of Hill estate (212), Alumni Field purchases (243, 259), tree surgery (338), walks and drives (345)

Chapel Exercises - Compulsory (129), voluntary (130), chapel service revived (341)

Charter of Institute - (9, 12)

Chemical Engineering - Lecture course (323), expanded (362)

Civil Engineering - Expansion of course (190), Sanitary Engineering option (222), new building proposed (239), Camp Stephenson (346)

Civil Engineering Society -(225)

Clark University - Cooperation with (151), proposed union (323)

Class Competition - Cane rushes (195), rope pull (226), flag rush (325), freshman caps (325), Goat's head (346)

Commencements - In 1871 (70), class days (101, 164), reading of theses (164), baccalaureate service (165), Tech Day (230), class gifts (230), Class Day (245), in 1915 (262), in 1916 (263), cap and gown (268), in 1919 (286), in 1921 (313)

Coolidge, Calvin - At dedication of gymnasium (263)

Cosmopolitan Club - Organized (225)

Curtis Bequest, Albert -Expended for equipment (177)

Deans - George 1. Alden (186), Dr. Conant proposed (250), Zelotes W. Coombs (362)


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