The annual alumni dinner was the event of the week. Until 1907, it was
served in the Mechanical Engineering laboratory, and from 1900 to
1904, the alumni were guests of either Charles G. Washburn or Stephen
Salisbury. The dinner was held in the new Electrical Laboratories in
1907, and again in 1910 and 1911. In 1908 and 1909 a large tent was
erected on Alumni Field to shelter the diners, a shelter that was much
needed during the heavy rainfall in the latter year.
The business meetings of the Alumni Association in the earlier years
of this period were devoted largely to routine matters. Charles Baker,
'93, continued as secretary, terminating ten years of efficient
service in 1909. Arthur D. Butterfield, '93, succeeded him. John
C. Woodbury, '76, completed an eight-year term as treasurer in 1906,
and was succeeded by Charles A. Bartlett, '85. There were five
presidents of the Association during these ten years: John M. Russell,
'76, until 1904; Paul B. Morgan, '90, from 1904 to 1906; Louis
W. Southgate, '85, from 1906 to 1908; Charles G. Stratton, '75, from
1908 to 1909; and Charles Baker, '93, from 1909 to 1912.
Having acquired Bliss Field and conveyed it to the Institute
for use as an athletic field, the next interest of the Alumni
Association was to secure funds for the grading of the property and
the building of a gymnasium and an alumni building. The proposal made
by Dr. Engler to the alumni, in 1902, for an alumni building on the
original campus had been studied by a committee, and set aside in
favor of acquiring the land on West Street for that purpose. The
grading and building project was much discussed at various meetings,
but it was not until 1911 that the Association took definite action
authorizing a campaign to raise money for the work. Among other
matters decided during this period was the status of non
graduates. This was discussed at several meetings and, in 1906, the
by-laws were amended to permit the election of former students to
associate membership. Another proposal that aroused much discussion
was that of securing regular or honorary degrees for certain
non-graduates who had nearly