Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Seventy Years

The practice of awarding honorary degrees was continued. The recipients in 1928 were Dr. Hollis, Charles F. Bailey, '88, Gompei Kuwada, '93, Spencer Miller, '79, Moses B. Kaven, '85, and Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd. Largest number of such degrees to be awarded was in 1929, when eight men received them: Dr. Homer Gage, Hugo P. Frear, '83, Allan D. Risteen, '85, George 1. Rockwood, '88, Paul B. Morgan, '90, Prof. Harold B. Smith, Prof. Charles M. Allen, '94, and Dr. William H. Hobbs, '83, noted geologist and explorer, who gave the Commencement address. Professor Smith received a Doctor of Engineering degree from Purdue the same year.

The degree recipients in 1930 were: General Robert I. Rees, vice president, American Telephone & Telegraph Co., and the Commencement speaker, Harry P. Davis, '90, Harrison P. Eddy, '91, Henry J. Fuller, '95, and Samuel S. Edmands, '99. In 1931 they were: Edwin H. Whitney, '71, C. Francis Harding, '02, Aldus C. Higgins, '93, Charles E. Eveleth, '99, and Samuel M. Vauclain, president of the Baldwin Locomotive Works, the Commencement speaker.

Although the scope of this chapter does not permit a complete chronicle of student life, nor of other campus activities during the period, a few developments must be included in the record. President Earle, who in 1930 was restored to the retired rank of Admiral, U.S.N., was constantly busy with manifold activities. Other faculty members were active in civic and professional affairs. Students were engaged in a growing number of extra-curricula activities, yet the average of scholarship constantly rose.

Among innovations was the change in name of the college annual from Aftermath to Peddler, in honor of John Boynton's traditional occupation, effective in 1928. A group of Alumni Contact committees, for cooperation with the several departments, was appointed by the Trustees in 1927. In 1929, the Institute was honored for the first time in the award of Rhodes' Scholarships, when Richard K. Irons, '27, son of Harold G. Irons, '00, was the recipient. The first At Home Day, for the


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