At the 1933 Commencement, the Institute awarded 122 bachelor of
science degrees, largest number in its history. Honorary degrees were
awarded each year except 1934. The 1932 recipients were Alfred
D. Flinn, '93, Leon P. Alford, '96, George W. Patterson, '88, and John
J. Donovan, '82, who gave the Commencement address. Four more to be
honored in 1933 were the Commencement speaker, Homer L. Ferguson,
president of the Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Co.; Albert
Kingsbury, who had been a professor at the Institute from 1899 to
1903; Kotaro Shimomura, '88; and Edward H. Rockwell, '90. The 1935
group was: Charles R. Gow of Boston, the Commencement speaker, and
J. Allen Johnson, '05. In 1936, awards were made to Frederick
W. Bateman, '71, Henry S. Downe, '82, and Bancroft Gherardi, vice
president and chief engineer, American Telephone & Telegraph Co., who
gave the Commencement address.
The Alumni Association expanded its activities during this period in
an effort to give the college maximum assistance. Wider scope and
broader vision of the Association's place in the college scheme were
written into a new constitution, prepared under the direction of
Dr. Alfred D. Flinn, '93, and adopted in 1932. The graduate placement
service was made more effective to cope with a serious problem of
unemployment in the early 'thirties, followed by a period of vigorous
demand for graduates. Successful efforts were made by the alumni to
attract outstanding boys to the college, and to provide funds for
scholarships. The Journal was enlarged and made more attractive, and
much other publicity material was prepared and distributed by the
Alumni Office.
Truman D. Hayes, '07, was president of the Alumni Association until
1933, when he was succeeded by James J. Shea, '12. That year Paul
S. Kennedy, '10, became chairman of the reorganized Alumni Fund
Board. He succeeded Mr. Shea as president in 1935, and Helge
S. Johnson, '24, was elected chairman of the Alumni Fund
Board. Wallace T. Montague, '12, was elected president of the
Association in 1936.