Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Seventy Years

At the close of the year 1882, which in many respects marks the close of an epoch, the treasurer reported that the Institute possessed funds amounting to $379,098, which were separately invested according to the following classification:

  • Boynton Endowment fund $100,000
  • Salisbury Instruction fund 120,000
  • Library and Apparatus fund 27,438
  • State Appropriation of 1869 26,000
  • Salisbury Graduates' Aid fund 10,000
  • Salisbury Modern Language fund
  • 40,000 Ichabod Washburn legacy 30,000
  • George F. Hoar District fund 4,660
  • D. Waldo Lincoln fund 1,000
  • David Whitcomb fund 20,000

He also reported that there was a shortage of $15,100 in these funds, due chiefly to heavy drafts made upon them during the Institute's first five years' struggle for existence.


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