Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Seventy Years

magazine was taken over by the Alumni Association, with Dr. Haynes as managing editor, Mr. Stuart as business manager, and Professor Fairfield as advertising manager.

The 1918 meeting of the Alumni Association was as subdued as other events of the time. It was held in conjunction with the spring meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, allocated to Worcester as a tribute to Dr. Hollis, and directed by George 1. Rockwood, '88. An honored guest at the dinner was Prof. T. E. N. Eaton, back from California to attend the fiftieth reunion of his class at Amherst. Among the announcements at the meeting was a gift from the Class of 1893, a special class fund of $3,800 and an addition of $750 to the Sinclair Fund, also that a tablet acknowledging the work of Professor Butterfield had been placed in the gymnasium, and that the fund for the education of his children had reached substantial proportions.

It was not until late spring of 1918, a fall year after America cast its lot with the Allies, that the War Department developed plans for the Student Army Training Corps, to go into effect in over 500 educational institutions in the fall. The Institute Corporation signed the contract in September. It provided for an enrollment of 600 students under military supervision and discipline. The work of the year was planned on a three-term basis with an allotment of eleven hours a week to military drill and war aims, which required a complete overhauling of the curriculum. The total length of the course was to be eight tetras, covering two years, with no provision for degrees. It was estimated that about sixty per cent of the work of the old program could be completed in that time. Seniors were expected to complete their work in two terms of three months each. The formal opening, set for October 2, had to be postponed until October 10 because of the influenza epidemic that was sweeping the country.

The faculty held its last meeting as an independent body the morning of the opening day, then with the trustees, students and Army personnel, marched to Alumni Field for


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