Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Seventy Years

These minor conflicts were merely overtones in Institute life, which although not yet approaching the harmony of a liberal college, was not monotonous. Inspired by the success of previous dramatic performances, the students attempted a musical show in the spring of 1895, music for which was written by W. S. B. Dana, '97. The title of the piece was "Shylock, Jr.," a travesty on the "Merchant" of more enduring fame. It played two nights at the Worcester Theatre and was a huge success. Strangely enough, this was to be the last dramatic venture until the advent of the class of 1912.

Also, in 1895, there appeared an attractive little book entitled "Echoes of Tech Verse." it was compiled 'by Francis W. Treadway, '90, and John W. Chalfant, '96, the W P I being the chief source of material. This same W P I which for more than a decade had held the mirror up to Tech life, came to an untimely end. Its suspension was due chiefly to financial difficulties. Owned by the editors, who faced personal losses as the subscriptions dropped off, it failed to appear after the July, 1896, issue. Furthermore, it had never been favored by faculty or administrative blessings. It was too independent and entertaining to survive in a technical atmosphere.

After a void of about a year, a new publication named The Journal of WPI, put in its appearance. It was inspired by Dr. Mendenhall and other members of the faculty, but its editors and business managers were students, assisted by a faculty editorial committee and alumni correspondents. The objectives of the Journal, as outlined by Dr. Mendenhall, were "more fully to reflect the activity of the Institute in its professional work and research, and to be a medium for Institute news." The first bi-monthly issue appeared in November, 1897. It was edited by H. C. Smith, '98, and managed by E. C. Thrasher, '98. As a serious-minded, technical magazine it was fairly competent; as an interpreter of Institute news it was drab and inadequate for many succeeding years.

A new musical association, including glee and banjo


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