Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Seventy Years


Admission of Students - Early examinations (48), certificate privilege (190), committee on admission (190), standards in 1901 (199), committee on certification (205), requirements raised (206)

Aeronautics - Aero Club (225), course introduced (346)

Allen Fund, Charles - Bequest of Katharine Allen (253)

Alumni Association - Organization (115), representation on Board of Trustees (167), annual supper (167), visiting committees (167), membership, 1901 (196), first sons of graduates (196), assessment of dues (196), stimulation of enrollment (232), student loan fund (244), during war (288), Alumni Council proposed (311), celebration of 1921 (312), Alumni General Committee (327), placement service (328), Alumni Council (344), contact committees (354), new constitution (363)

Alumni District Associations - Washington, Cleveland, Chicago (168), Philadelphia, New York, San Francisco, Boston (197), Schenectady, Worcester County, Western New York, Connecticut Valley, Pittsburgh, Rhode Island (232), Detroit (244), Hartford (328)

Alumni Field - purchase of Bliss field (212), first campaign for funds (231), 242, purchase of Park Avenue site (243), field construction (243), first game (258), gates (258, 261), second campaign for funds (259), cost of field (264), bleachers and field houses (338)

Alumni Fund Raising - Boynton portrait (115, 168), Thompson Memorial Fund (168), building fund proposed (196), Field funds (231, 242, 259), Alumni Fund (331)

American Institute of Electrical Engineers - Harold B. Smith president (353)

American Society of Mechanical Engineers - Dr. Hollis president (268), Worcester meeting (282). Charles M. Allen vice president (362)

Apprentices - (17, 86), apprentice class (87), apprentice course discontinued (128)

Architecture - Lecture course (62, 95), architectural engineering (360)

Assemblies - Proposed by Dr. Hollis (251), monthly assemblies (309), Fuller Lectures (342)

Athletics - Early contests (108), interclass (152), Field Days (152), intercollegiate meets (153), varsity football and baseball (154), tennis (154), Athletic Association organized (194), cinder track (195), basketball started (228), award of the "W" (230), first game on Alumni Field (258), championship relay (271), football banquet (271), basketball revived (271, 281), rifle club (272), basketball championships (310), soccer (326), interscholastic basketball and track (326)


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