Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Seventy Years

Mr. Fuller made the presentation address. It was named Fuller Pool in honor of his father, Horner T. Fuller, second President of the Institute. The cost of the installation was nearly $30,000.

Also added to the athletic plant in the spring of 1926 were steel bleachers for Alumni Field, one section donated by Matthew P. Whittall, '96, another by the Book Store. Fencing for the east side of the field was provided by Clinton S. Marshall. Windsor T. White, '90, donated a truck for use on the grounds. Charles Baker, '93, and B. L. Knowles, '02, were responsible for a curb for the running track. To house the truck, tractor, and athletic equipment, the Class of '96 gave funds for a brick storage building on the field. A similar building for use as a field house was erected near the Park Avenue comer, a gift of six trustees.

One of the greatest needs in the program of beautifying the campus was surgery and care of trees. This work was taken over by Harry R. Sinclair, '93, who expended several thousand dollars during the winter of 1926 on this project. His expenditures of even larger amounts in subsequent years were alone responsible for saving the beautiful campus groves. Other improvements, for which President Earle secured funds from alumni and alumni chapters, included campus drives, cement walks, and shrubbery.

The major item on President Earle's project list was a dormitory for freshmen. In January, 1926, a committee of trustees proposed that steps be taken immediately to procure funds for such a building. On the strength of gifts amounting to $50,000, at the time of the Board meeting the following month, the Corporation voted to proceed with the project. The cost was estimated at $250,000, and the treasurer was authorized to appropriate one half this amount from invested funds. It was assumed that operating profits would provide a reasonable return on this investment.

In succeeding months, pledges amounting to about $185,000 were received, practically every member of the Board participating, most of them in amounts of from $5,000 to


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