Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Seventy Years

ex-officio, members. Rev. Austin S. Garver became pastor of the First Unitarian Church in 1885 and succeeded Rev. Roland A. Wood as a trustee. Samuel Winslow succeeded Charles G. Reed as mayor, serving from 1886 to 1890. Rev. Benjamin D. Marshall completed a thirteen-year pastorate of the First Baptist Church in 1887, and was followed by Rev. Charles H. Pendleton.

Philip L. Moen died April 23, 1891, at the age of sixtysix. He had been a vigorous member of the Board throughout twenty-two years, serving for seven years as its treasurer. The trustees expressed their sorrow in an elaborate memorial. At the annual meeting in June of that year they unanimously chose as his successor Charles G. Washburn, '75, the boy whose piano lessons had so seriously conflicted with his shop work. Now, at thirty-four, he was well established as a manufacturer and as a lawyer, practicing patent law. His was the distinction of being the first graduate to be elected to the Board of Trustees. In June, 1893, he succeeded Waldo Lincoln as treasurer. To the end of the second administration, in 1894, no other changes occurred in the personnel of the corporation, except among the mayors. Samuel Winslow served four terms, being succeeded in 1890 by Francis A. Harrington. He in turn, after three years, was succeeded by Henry A. Marsh.

The trustees gave liberally of their time and energy to the work of the Institute. The period from 1882 to 1894 was one of expansion in plant, enrollment, and problems of administration. Most of the details of this expansion received the personal attention of the Corporation. Its meetings were held at the library of the American Antiquarian Society, and its records were stored in the library vault of that society.

This period also marked the transition of the Institute from a technical school of uncertain status to a college of engineering. The half-year apprentice course was abandoned, and a new four-year course introduced. Two new degreegranting departments were also established. The transition was most clearly defined by a change in the corporate name.


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