Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Seventy Years

that the first proceeds of the fund be used to finance the alumni office, and that the journal be sent to all subscribers of five dollars or more. Also included as a part of the plan was the appointment of a full-time alumni secretary, and the creation of a permanent committee to administer the fund.

The General Committee approved the report and authorized the solicitation of conditional gifts prior to submitting the plan to the Association in June. About $3,000 was pledged during this interim. In addition, Tech News contributed $1,000, and Masque, $250, to establish a principal account of the fund. This principal account was later named the Francis W. Treadway Fund, soon after the death of that distinguished lawyer and statesman, December 24, 1925. The enthusiastic adoption of the Living Endowment plan was followed by the appointment of an Alumni Fund Board, with Mr. Rankin as chairman and Mr. Treadway as honorary chairman. Mr. Taylor was appointed alumni secretary on a full-time basis in June, 1924. The results of the first year's efforts were 866 gifts and $16,660.

An effort was made in June, 1922, to duplicate in part the elaborateness of the 1921 alumni reunion. It was only partially successful, and caused a serious deficit. The central figure of the week's program was Elwood Haynes, '81, famous not only for his early development of the automobile but for his later inventions of stainless steel, Stellite, and chrome iron. He read a paper on this subject before an open meeting of Sigma Xi. At the graduation exercises later in the week, Dr. Hollis presented to him the John Scott Medal, which had been conferred upon him by the trustees of the Philadelphia Fund. A regrettable and stupid omission was the award of an honorary degree to this distinguished graduate. He died three years later without appropriate honors from his alma mater.

Alumni Day was a busy one, with a luncheon, stunts and games on Alumni Field, and an automobile parade through the city to the gymnasium for the annual dinner. Another feature of the reunion was an industrial exhibit in the Electrical Engineering laboratories, showing machines


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