Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Seventy Years

had met and, in 1870, married his daughter, Katherine. Mr. Chapin lived at the home of his son-in-law, and died there in June, 1880, to the great sorrow of students in the department. During the year 1875-76, he had as assistant instructor a senior, George H. White. After Mr. Chapin's death instruction was carried on by John P. K. Otis, a graduate in the class of 1873, who served until 1884. Mr. White, who had been obtaining experience in railroad engineering in the Northwest, returned in the fall of 1883 to take over Professor Sinclair's duties as professor of Civil Engineering.

The course in Architecture languished and died. Professor Ware gave a series of lectures in alternate years, and coaches from offices of local architects were employed until 1874, when Professor Thompson wrote to Ware that "there are no students in Architecture this year. In fact, largely under the influence of your advice, I have been gradually abolishing the department here, and trying to persuade all who speak of it to go at once to you if highly artistic in their tastes. If the youth thus wisely advised do not go to Boston, but begin to study John Boynton's instrument of gift with attention and to make us feel guilty, the department must be recognized." Dr. Chadbourne came each year to give lectures in Geology until 1874. His successor as lecturer was Dr. T. Sterry Hunt of Boston, who met the two upper classes biennially. Dr. Chadbourne returned in 1878, and Prof. B. K. Emerson of Amherst was appointed in 1881.

Curricula and instruction developed steadily during the first decade. Dr. Thompson - the honorary degree of Ph.D. was conferred upon him by Dartmouth in 1879 and subsequently by Williams-was as competent an educator as he was an administrator. He was in constant touch with the subjects that were being taught, and although keenly interested in Chemistry and the natural sciences, did not permit his own courses to overshadow those of other instructors. He was determined that so far as it was within the powers of the faculty every student should have a sound and well


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