student interest began with the organization of a rifle dub in
1913. The Tech club was admitted to the National Rifle Association,
and shooting its matches on a range in the basement of Boynton Hall,
achieved good results in telegraphic competitions. Three years later
its activities were transferred to the new range in the gymnasium.
The administration of athletics was much strengthened by the
establishment of an Athletic Council in 1915, replacing the former
faculty committee on athletics. This Council, composed of the four
student officers of the Athletic Association, the director of Physical
Education and two other faculty members, and two alumni, took charge
of all schedules, awards of insignia and appointments of managers. Two
of the original members who were to serve on this board for at least
two decades were Prof. Arthur J. Knight and Alfred E. Rankin, '04.
Though few graduates had yet celebrated their fortieth anniversary, a
good proportion of them had achieved eminence. Their interest in the
Institute was exhibited in the activities of the Alumni Association,
as well as in their response to campaigns for funds. Much of the work
of the Association fell on the shoulders of Worcester men, who
constituted the executive committee. The problems of grading the
field, building the gymnasium, and procuring funds for both were
uppermost in the program of each meeting during this period, but the
executive committee was constantly concerned with the arrangement of
reunions and the collection of enough annual dues to meet the modest
requirements of the secretary and treasurer. Until 1916 these officers
were separate, Charles A. Bartlett, '85, serving as treasurer with
great fidelity and patience during a trying ten-year period. Pressure
of other duties made it necessary that he ask to be relieved. The two
offices were then combined and conferred upon Professor Butterfield.
The deep sorrow which came to Professor Butterfield in the midst of
his great achievement, the death of his charming