Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Seventy Years

1936, when Walter G. Cookson succeeded him. The latter died within six months and John S. Sullivan completed his term.

Charles F. Bailey, '88, Ernest W. Marshall, '93, and George F. Booth were renominated and reelected in 1933. So were Harrison P. Eddy, '91, Ernest K. Gladding, '10, and George F. Fuller in 1934. Clinton S. Marshall, able steel executive, and an Institute trustee since 1920, died January 1, 1934. To succeed him as representative of the State Board of Education, the Board elected George N. Jeppson, '97, treasurer of the Norton Company, Worcester. Herbert H. Ferris, '99, of Newark, N. J., was selected to complete the term of his classmate, Charles E. Eveleth.

The Board lost another valuable member when Harry R. Sinclair, '93, died October 11, 1934, at the age of sixty-two. Trustees elected in 1935 were Alberti. Gifford, '96, Howard F. Fritch, '10, and F. Harold Daniels, president of the Riley Stoker Corporation, and son of Fred H. Daniels, '73. Conrad N. Lauer resigned in 1936, a year before the completion of his term. New trustee that year was James J. Shea, '12, former president of the Alumni Association; Samuel S. Edmands, '99, and George W. Smith, Jr., '15, were reelected. An ex-officio member, the Rev. Shepherd Knapp, also left the Board in 1936, at the time of his resignation as pastor of Central Church. He had been an active and helpful trustee since 1911.

Three former trustees died during this period: William P. Dallett, '81, member of the Board from 1920 to 1927, March 31, 1933; Waldo Lincoln, trustee from 1884 to 1899 and treasurer from 1883 to 1893, April 8, 1933; and the Rev. Dr. Allyn K. Foster, ex-officio trustee from 1909 to 1916, November 10, 1934.

Several new features of the curriculum were introduced between 1931 and 1936. One of these was the long-awaited course in Elements of Business, a lecture and case-system course for seniors, under the direction of Prof. Albert S. Richey, begun in 1932. Two years later an additional course in Economics was added to the senior schedule. For Civil


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