Professor Gallup was rapidly building a reputation in the automotive
field, particularly in the testing of automobile performance and
power. In 1911 he had been made chairman of the research committee,
Aeronautical Society of America.
Facilities for research in this field as well as in hydraulics were
materially increased by new construction at Chaffins. A current-meter
rating station, a structural steel boom driven from a shore station,
was installed in the upper pond in 1911. It was used not only for
meter rating but for some of the earliest tests of airplane propellers
ever made in America. Funds were contributed by George I. Alden for
the building of a new low-head laboratory on the foundations of the
original shoddy mill. This building provided Professor Allen with
excellent facilities for testing draft tubes and other hydraulic
A mild flurry of excitement came to the Civil Engineering department
in 1912, when Dr. Conant recommended to the trustees that a suitable
department building be constructed. So many students were electing
this branch that the Boynton Hall quarters were greatly crowded. At
the request of the Trustees, Professor French prepared plans and
estimates for an attractive building to be erected on the area between
the Salisbury and the Electrical laboratories. The project failed to
arouse enthusiasm among the trustees, chiefly because none of them
could think of any method to finance it. Hence, the civil engineers
resigned themselves to the occupancy of their Boynton Hall quarters
for at least another quarter-century.
The only other construction activity in this period was the extension
of the Boynton Street wall. The section donated by William Knowlton in
the early years of the Institute had terminated at the Hill
estate. After the purchase of this tract, the completion of the wall
to Salisbury Street had become a much desired project, particularly to
Dr. W. L. Jennings. It was through his efforts that the Knowlton heirs
were persuaded to supply funds for the extension. Their gift of
approximately $4,000 made possible the construction in 1913.