Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Seventy Years



THE chief concern of the Corporation in the summer of 1865 was to complete the raising of the building fund, for that was one of the major conditions of John Boynton's gift. Assurances to Mr. Boynton that all of the money was in sight caused him to execute an instrument of transfer on July 20, authorizing the Corporation to receive from David Whitcomb the sum of $100,000, which Boynton had entrusted to him. The securities transferred included bonds and notes of states and towns, notes of individuals, and interest on these securities to May 1, 1865.

Succeeding months were very busy ones for the trustees. They had before them the tasks of choosing a site for the school, developing plans for a building, outlining a program of study, and appointing a faculty. Four tracts of land had been proposed as locations for the school, one of which was a portion of the city Common. This precious heritage of open space has since been proposed for nearly every public and semi-public structure erected in the city. Isaac Davis was so anxious to dispose of the six acres of land and the buildings occupied by the Oread Institute that he offered not only to sell them at half their cost but to contribute $5,000 to the building fund. Joseph Mason and F. H. Dewey were equally desirous to dispose of the property on Union Hill, occupied


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