Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Seventy Years

[ Photo 49, 1 ]

Original first-Floor Plan of Boynton Hall

Institute on November 5, as a result of which thirty-two boys had been admitted.

November 11, 1868, had been set as the date for the inauguration of Professor Thompson and the dedication of Boynton Hall. Long and careful preparations had been made for this event, and invitations had been widely distributed. Representatives of nearly all the New England colleges and leading seminaries were present, in addition to a large number of the citizens of Worcester County. The bare chapel of Boynton Hall was crowded. A drizzling rain fell throughout the day, and in the words of the Spy reporter, "the streets leading to the grounds, and the grounds themselves, were in a horribly muddy condition." He found the visitors to be cheerful folks, however, for they "were hearty in commendation of the beauty of the site, and of the appropriateness of the buildings. "

There was ample time before the exercises began at tenthirty for the visitors to inspect the buildings. Interest was divided between Boynton Hall and the Washburn Machine Shop, which was not yet ready for use. In the main building they inspected the chemical laboratory at the west end of the first floor, the large lecture room that was later to become


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