Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Seventy Years

Salisbury Legacy, Stephen, Jr. -Art Museum bequest (208), Institute's share (208), use of funds (209)

Sanford Riley Hall - Funds (338), construction and cost (341)

Sanitary Engineering - Course introduced (222)

Scholarships - State (66), George F. Hoar (78), Worcester County (107), limitation of County awards (129), Henry W. Miller (177, 350), Class of 1911 (230), Alzirus Brown (240, 253, 350), matriculation (268), George M. Rice (286), sustaining (296), industrial (297), Francis A. Harrington (297), Charles Hill Morgan (297), Arthur W. Woods (318), George W. Gill (318), Thomas M. Rogers (318), William W. Bird bequest (320), Yankee Ingenuity (342), David Hale Fanning (343), William W. Brown, Harrington Brothers, Ellen M. Paige, Class of 1885, George F. Fuller, Charles G. Washburn (350), "Friend" (351), Austin S. Garver, Harry P. Davis, Fred A. Morse, John A. Callahan, Class of 1885, John W. Higgins, Betsey C. Pinkerton (356)

Scholarships, Industrial -Norton, Crompton & Knowles, Reed & Prince, Morgan, American Steel & Wire, Wyman-Gordon, Heald Machine, Leland-Gifford, Riley Stoker, Westinghouse, Graton & Knight, Strathmore, American Bosch (297), Rockwood Sprinkler, New England Power (343)

Sewall Fund, Richard Black (280)

Sigma Xi, Society of the -Chapter installed (225), 1921 meeting (312)

Sinclair Fund, John E. -Gift (253), chair of Mathematics (254), fund increased (299)

Skull - Organized (245), Skull Tomb (324), freshman trophy (325)

State Subsidies - First grant (65), fund of 1886 (125), building fund (135), annual grants (176), 1905 increase (209), 1910 increase (214), 1911 increase (240), antiaid amendment (280)

Stinchfield Bequest, Ray L. -(350)

Student Life - Boarding houses (60, 107), recreations (108), political rallies (109), cremation of "Chauvenet" (110), Half-Way-Thru banquets (158, 2-26), the '93 Goat (158), Mountain Day (193), "Rat Hole" (194), Tech Night at Poli's (227), during world war (281), Knights of the Road (324)

Student Pranks - Goat in Chapel (59), substitution of Bible (111), defacing Higgins' barn (111), the '93 bonfire (1-58), horse in the Chapel (161), bonfire of 1896 (191), abduction of class president (191)

Student Y.M.C.A. - Outgrowth of Christian Association (156), quarters in M. E. building (194), activities expanded (226), first general secretary (226), Tech Carnival (270), Student Christian Association (341)

Tau Beta Pi - Installed (225)


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