Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Seventy Years

Mechanical Engineering - Steam Engineering as separate department (183), reorganization under Bird (204), Aeronautics (346)

Mechanical Laboratories - Funds given by State (135), construction (174), testing machines (222)

Modern Languages - Department established (76), English department separated (236), Spanish introduced (267)

Modern Language Funds -Salisbury gift (76), Salisbury bequest (127), Margaret Harlow bequest (350)

Moen Fund, Philip L. - (125)

Musical Organizations -"Blowhards" (110), glee club (110), musical clubs revived (157), again revived (227), song contest (227)

Name of Institute - Changed from Worcester County Free Institute to Worcester Polytechnic Institute (129)

Newton Hall - Wetherell estate (193), opened (194), furnishings and administration (224), abandoned (224)

Opening of the Institute - (48)

Organization Meeting - (8)

Physical Education - Department organized (266), hours and fees (267)

Physics Colloquium - Organized (225)

Power House -Funds given by State (135), construction (174), vertical boilers (209), generator (318), new boiler (360)

President's House - Funds given by State (135), construction (173)

Presidents of the Faculty - Title changed from Principal (121), Dr. Fuller resigned (165), Dr. Mendenhall appointed (172), Mendenhall resigned (197), Dr. Engler appointed (198), Dr. Engler resigned (223), Dr. Conant acting President (233), Dr. Hollis appointed (246), Dr. Hollis resigned (332), Admiral Earle appointed (333)

Principals - Choice of first (42), inauguration of Dr. Thompson (49), Dr. Thompson resigned (117), Alden acting Principal (118), selection of Dr. Fuller (119), title changed to President (121)

Publications - "Antenna of 1875" (101), "Reminiscences of '77" (102), "Tech Pilgrim's Progress" (105), the WTI and WPI (155), WPI discontinued (156, 192), The Journal (156, 192), "L'Expose of '92" (157), "Antenna of '84" (162), "Log of '88" (163), "Aftermath of '91", "Tale of the Goat" (163), "Echoes of Tech Verse" (192), Tech News (227), The Journal published by Alumni Association (281), "Aftermath" became "The Peddler" (354)

Registrars - J. K. Marshall (190), Marshall resigned (223), Josephine Frost (266), Gertrude R. Rugg (293)

Reunion Trophy - Donation and first award (262)

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano - Commencement speaker (286)

Salisbury Laboratories - Gift of Salisbury, Jr. (131), plans and construction (132), dedicated (132), proposed enlargement (134)


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