Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Seventy Years

be glad to receive it. In his letter of resignation he had offered them $100,000 to strengthen the endowment, with a provision that part of the gift might be used for alterations and improvements made necessary by the increase in the number of students. Some assumed that this was but a small advance payment on the ultimate legacy.

It was apparent when the will was read that someone had been too importunate, or that the power of other influences had not been rightly appraised. To his housekeeper, an influence that had been viewed with some uncertainty, he left $100,000; she and several distant relatives made an unsuccessful attempt to break the will. The Institute's share was only $200,000. An equal amount, his house and his library, went to the American Antiquarian Society. Residuary legatee of nearly $3,000,000 in real and personal property was the Worcester Art Museum. The City of Worcester was not mentioned, presumably because certain municipal policies had been distasteful to Mr. Salisbury.

Mr. Salisbury had established the Art Museum in 1896, contributing land on Salisbury Street and $100,000 for the building and its endowment. It was opened in 1898, but up to the time of Mr. Salisbury's death few donations had been received. Few realized that it was his major interest, though it was known that his gifts to the museum were inspired by Dr. Daniel Merriman, who became its first president. That Dr. Merriman influenced Mr. Salisbury to reduce any intended benefaction to the Institute is unthinkable, however.

Mr. Washburn was probably deeply disappointed by Mr. Salisbury's disposition of his estate, yet throughout his lifetime he was cordial in his praise of the Salisburys, father and son. As treasurer of the Corporation he had clearly seen and concretely outlined the financial needs of the Institute. His recommendations in 1904 had specifically covered the immediate requirements: $62,400 to replace principal that had been expended for operating expense, at least $250,000 for new endowment, an attempt to put the shops on a self


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