Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Seventy Years

room, and it will seclude our students from assaults of city idlers who call on them by night." Boarding houses were to cause Principal Thompson further anxiety. Miss Isabel Tenney, who was pursuing a special course in chemistry laboratory at the Institute, volunteered some astounding information about Mrs. O's house. "Mr. 0. tells stories having 'damn' in them; so does Mrs. 0. A Japanese student blew his nose on a napkin; another student alluded to it in an offensive way; Mrs. 0. supported him in it. Anybody can say anything he chooses - no restraint." Probably these little chats with Miss Tenney did not encourage Professor Thompson to take action on the provision in Boynton's letter of gift that would have permitted the enrollment of women. In answer to one of several who sought to enroll their daughters he wrote, "We cannot receive any women without undertaking to instruct all competent women who apply. This we have not room for now. The only departments in which women would be likely to enter are chemistry and drawing. Funds are barely adequate to provide the amount of instruction demanded by the regular classes." But, he added, "it is our fall purpose to throw the school open to youth of both sexes as soon as we can." It is probable that he could have handled a coeducational plan satisfactorily, for he was having valuable experience as lecturer in Chemistry at the Mount Holyoke Female Seminary. Life was arduous for the little group who composed the first faculty. Not only must discipline be maintained but each had to give instruction in a variety of subjects. Mr. Thompson chose to teach French, in addition to a heavy schedule in Chemistry. Mr. Alden covered Civil and Me chanical Engineering as well as Physics. Miss Goodrich taught all mathematical subjects, while Mr. Gladwin directed the work in Drawing, giving only part of his time during the first year. Charles 0. Thompson had brought his young wife and son to live in the great house near the comer of Jo Bill Road


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