Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Seventy Years

TOLMAN, EDWARD FRANCIS. First president of the Alumni Association, 1873-76. Born Jan. 13, 1850. B.S., W.P.I., '71. Manufacturer and trustee of estates, Worcester. Died Jan. 2, 1910. (115)

TOWNSEND, A(LMON) FRANCIS. Instructor in Mechanical Engineering and Business, 1931-35. Born June 27, 1909. B.S., W.P.I., '31. Heald Machine Co., Worcester. (361)

TREADWAY, FRANCIS WILLCOX. Originator of the W.P.I. Alumni Fund, 1924. Trustee, 1924-25. Born Jan. 7, 1869. B.S., W.P.I., '90; LL.B., Yale, '92. Lieutenant Governor of Ohio, 1909-10. Lawyer, Treadway & Marlatt, Cleveland, Ohio. Died Dec. 24, 1925. (192-261-316-328-343)

VERRY, GEORGE FRANKLIN. Ex-officio trustee, 1872. Mayor of Worcester. (78)

VILES, GEORGE B. Instructor in German, 1892-95. (145)

WALTER, HENRY CASPER. Instructor in Electrical Engineering, 1904-07. Born 1876. B.S., W.P.I., '00. Crocker-Wheeler Electric Co., Ampere, N. J. (213)

WASHBURN, MRS. CAROLINE SLATER. Contributor to scholarship endowment, 1929. Widow of Charles G. Washburn. (350)

WASHBURN, CHARLES GRENTILL. President of the Alumni Association, 1885-94. Trustee, 1891-1928. Treasurer of the Corporation, 1893-1905. President of the Corporation, 1905-20. Born Jan. 28, 1857. B.S., W.P.I., '75; D.Eng., '27; LL.B., Harvard, '80. Manufacturer, Worcester. Massachusetts Legislature, 1897-98; Senate, 1899-1900. U. S. House of Representatives, 1907-11. Died May 25, 1928. (100-128-137-167-176-208-209-240-243-257-337-342-347)

WASHBURN, EMORY. Trustee, 1865-69. Born Feb. 14, 1800. A.B., Williams, '17; LL.D., Harvard. Governor of Massachusetts, 1854-55. Bussey Professor of Law, Harvard, 1856-76. Died Mar. 18, 1878. (4-11-23-65-68)

WASHBURN, ICHABOD. Co-founder of the Institute, and donor of the Washburn Shops. Trustee, 1865-68. Born Aug. 11, 1798. Founder and president, Washburn & Moen Mfg. Co., Worcester. Died Dec. 30, 1868. (6-7-13-17-23-38-41-68-82)

WATKINS, EDWARD GOODRICH. President of the Alumni Association, 1912-14. Born Apr. 29, 1865. B.S., W.P.I., '86. President, Simplex Time Recorder Co., Gardner, Mass

WELD, ALFRED OLLIS. Trustee, 1927-35. Born June 11, 1881. B.S., W.P.I., '04. George A. Weld Co., Boston, Mass. (343-348)


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