Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Seventy Years

STUART, HARLAND FRANCIS. Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, 1912-15. Secretary, Student Y. M. C. A., 1917-18. Acting secretary of the Alumni Association. Born Oct. 3, 1898. B.S., W.P.I., '12; Ed. M., Harvard, '25; Ed.D., '33. President, Central Philippine College. (279-282-288)

SULLIVAN, JOHN S. Ex-officio trustee, 1936-. Mayor of Worcester. (358)

SULLIVAN, PETER F. Ex-officio trustee, 1920-24. Mayor of Worcester. (300)

SWAN, PAUL RICHARD. Secretary, Student Christian Association, 1925-. Instructor in English, 1927-36; assistant professor, 1936-. A.B., Clark, '26; A.M., '29. (322-341-352-364)

SWASEY, HENRY CLEVELAND. Instructor in Physical Education, 1918-21. B.S., Amherst, '15. Instructor, University of New Hampshire. (279-285-310)

SWEETSER, ROBERT CHAUNCEY. Assistant in Chemistry, 1885-88; instructor, 1888-1909; assistant professor, 1909-14; professor of Analytical Chemistry, 1914-24. Born May 22, 1863. B.S., W.P.I., '83. Died July 4, 1924. (143-221-265-321)

SWEETSER, REV. SETH. Author of the "Boynton Plan." Incorporator of the Institute. Trustee, 1865-78. Bom Mar. 15, 1807. A.B., Harvard, '27; Andover Theological, '34; D.D., Amherst, '52. Pastor, Central Congregational Church of Wor cester, 1838-78. President, American Education Society. Died Mar. 24, 1878. (4-23-79)

TARBOX, ARTHUR MOTT. Instructor in Physics, 1931-35; in Business and Mathematics, 1935-37; assistant professor of Business, 1937-. Born Mar. 23, 1907. B.S., W.P.I., '28; E.E., '31. (362)

TAYLOR, HERBERT FOSTER. Assistant professor of Civil Engineering, 1920-30. Secretary of the Alumni Association, 1921-; treasurer, 1922-. Born Mar. 7, 1890. B.S., W.P.I., '12. (302-312-322-328)

THAYER, MRS. FLORENCE S. Contributor to Institute endowment, 1936. Widow of Edward D. Thayer, Worcester. (357)

THOMAS, JOSEPH W. Instructor in Mathematics, 1896-97

THOMPSON, CHARLES OLIVER. First Principal of the Institute, 1868-82. Born Sept. 25, 1836. A.B., Dartmouth, '58; Ph.D.; Ph.D., Williams. First President, Rose Polytechnic Institute, 1883-85. Died Mar. 17, 1885. (22-43-55-67-95-116-118)

THURSTON, ARTHUR LINCOLN. Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, 1915-16. B.S., W.P.I., '14

TILDEN, WILBUR R. Instructor in Pattern Making, 1904-12. Died Nov. 24, 1933. (213-235)


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