Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Seventy Years

thought were given to make this a noteworthy event, and hundreds of formal invitations were issued. On the appointed day scores of delegates, representing colleges, schools, industrial, scientific and engineering societies, alumni associations and classes, gathered on the campus.

Morning exercises were held in the gymnasium. Prof. Zelotes W. Coombs marshalled a colorful academic procession and led it to the hall. Charles G. Washburn presided and gave an historical address, followed by the presentation to President Earle of the charter, seal and keys. Speeches were made by Mabbott B. Steele, president of the senior class, George E. Williamson, president of the Alumni Association, Dr. George H. Haynes, senior member of the faculty, and Admiral William B. Pratt, president of the Naval War College. Then President Earle gave his inaugural address.

There was a reception, then a luncheon, Francis W. Treadway presiding as toastmaster. The speakers whom he introduced were Michael J. O'Hara, mayor of Worcester, Samuel W. Stratton, president of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Walter M. McFarland, vice president, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and George D. Olds, president of Amherst College.

A month before the inauguration, President Earle and Herbert F. Taylor had made an extended trip to meet alumni in mid-western districts. The reception given the new executive was very cordial. Early in December he was guest of honor at the New York alumni meeting, to which numerous other men of prominence were invited. It proved to be an affair of major significance, for after the President had outlined his program, he received numerous offers of financial assistance from guests as well as alumni. Largest of these was an agreement made by Henry J. Fuller, '95, and his business partner, John E. Aldred, to pay for the completion of the swimming pool.

Construction of the pool was begun in January, 1926, and completed in time for a dedication ceremony in June, at which


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