Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Seventy Years

Council in 1928, Charles F. Bailey, '88, was reelected as term member; George F. Booth, Worcester newspaper editor, and Ernest W. Marshall, '93, New York patent attorney and former Alumni Association president, were elected for fiveyear terms. A change in ex-officio members the same year was caused by the resignation of Dr. William R. McNutt as pastor of the First Baptist Church. He was succeeded by the Rev. Thomas S. Roy early in 1929.

Elected to the Board in 1929 were: Harrison P. Eddy, '91, prominent sanitary engineer of Boston, George F. Fuller of Worcester for a third term, and Ernest K. Gladding, '10, technical director, DuPont Rayon Co., Buffalo. Death called two more members of the Corporation that year, Calvin H. Hill, '77, Chicago manufacturer and a trustee since 1920, died November 18, 1929. James Logan came to the end of a long and fruitful career, after a prolonged illness, December 1, 1929. All Worcester mourned his passing. Rising from an immigrant store clerk, he had by his abundant energy, keen mind and relentless integrity, become one of the city's first citizens, one of the most progressive and upright men who had ever served as mayor, as well as one of the most highly respected industrial leaders.

Another great leader in Worcester industry and civic affairs succeeded Mr. Logan as life member of the Corporation. Charles L. Allen, board chairman of the Norton Company, had been a term member of the Board since 1920. To complete Mr. Hill's term the Trustees elected James H. Manning,' 06, president of Stone & Webster Engineering Corp., New York. New trustees elected in 1930, on alumni nomination, were Albert J. Gifford, '96, Worcester manufacturer, and Henry M. Dingley, '79, Maine banker and shipbuilder, and Alfred 0. Weld, '04, of Boston, was reelected. Mr. Dingley served but a few months, for he died September 12, 1930.

In 1931 the term trustees elected were: Harry P. Davis, '90, Pittsburgh manufacturer, who had previously served from 1920 to 1924; George E. Williamson, '00, for a second term,


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