Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Seventy Years

MERRIAM, KENNETH GERALD. Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, 1923-28; Elmer P. Howe assistant professor of Aeronautical Engineering, 1928-. Born Nov. 11, 1901. S.B., M.I.T., '22; M.S., W.P.I., '35. (321-346)

MERRILL, BERT LELAND. Instructor in Modern Languages, 1926-27. B.S., Colby, '24. (344)

MERRIMAN, REV. DANIEL. Ex-officio trustee, 1878-1911. Secretary of the Corporation, 1882-1911. Born Dec. 3,1838. A.B., Williams, '63; D.D.,'81; Andover Theological, '68; D.D., Ripon, '81; D.D., Yale, '98. Pastor, Central Congregational Church, Worcester. Died Sept. 18, 1912. (80-165-208-234)

MEYER, CARL FREDERICK. Instructor in Civil Engineering, 1924-29; assistant professor, 1929-. Exchange professor, Univ. of Hawaii, 1936-37. Born Mar. 6, 1900. B.S., W.P.I., '22; C.E., '29. (322-352-361)

MEYER, LEO JULIUS. Instructor in Economics and Government, 1927-28. A.B., Wesleyan, '21; M.A., '24. (353)

MILES, JOSEPH MAcDONALD. Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, 1927. Born July 19, 1905. B.S., W.P.I., '27. Died Aug. 16, 1928. (351)

MILLER, (THOMAS) SPENCER. Trustee, 1920-23. Born Apr. 25, 1859. B.S., W.P.I., '79; D.Eng., '28. Retired, Laguna Beach, Calif. (301-354)

MOEN, PHILIP LOUIS. Trustee, 1869-91. Treasurer of the Corporation, 1876-83. Born Nov. 13, 1824. President, Washburn & Moen Mfg. Co., Worcester. Died Apr. 23, 1891. (68-80-125-128)

MONROE, WALTER WILLIAM. Instructor in Pattern Making and Drawing, 1912-. Born Dec. 8, 1869. (236)

MONTAGUE, WALLACE TENNEY. President of the Alumni Association, 1936-37. Born July 2, 1889. B.S., W.P.I., '12. Norton Co., Worcester. (363)

MOORE, GEORGE D. Assistant professor of Chemistry, 1889-94. A.B., Harvard, '84; Ph.D., Brown, '87. Retired, Worcester. (143-183)

MORGAN, CHARLES HILL. Trustee, 1866-1911. Born Jan. 8, 1831. President, Morgan Spring Co.; Morgan Construction Co. President, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1899. Died Jan. 10, 1911. (24-86-90-137-175-215)

MORGAN, PAUL BEAGARY. President of the Alumni Association, 1904-06. Trustee, 1920-. Born Mar. 7,1869. Son of Charles H. Morgan. B.S., W.P.I.,'90; D.Eng., '29. President, Morgan Construction Co., Worcester. (231-296-301-317-343-354)


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