Computational Fluid Dynamics in Chemical Reaction Engineering IV
19-24 June 2005
Il Ciocco Hotel and Conference Center, Barga, Italy

co-sponsored by:
American Institute of Chemical Engineers
DuPont Company
Conference Co-Chairs:
Anthony G. Dixon
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Harry van den Akker
Delft University of Technology
Ahmad Haidari
Fluent Inc.
Invited talks
- CFD Models for Polydisperse Solids Based on the Direct Quadrature Method of Moments
- Rodney Fox
Iowa State University
- Multiscale Modeling of Gas-Fluidized Beds
- Martin van der Hoef
University of Twente
- Modeling Some Multiscale, Multiphysics Phenomena in Multiphase Reactors
- Faiçal Larachi
Laval University
- Breaking, Merging and Splashing Bubbles: the Art of Fluid Interface CFD
- Stéphane Zaleski
Université Pierre et Marie Curie
- Evolution of CFD as a Tool for Chemical Engineering
- Richard LaRoche
Fluent Inc.
- CFD: Perspectives and Applications at Nova Chemicals
- Glenn Price
Nova Chemicals
- DNS and LES of Turbulent Combustion
- Luc Vervisch
- Multiscale CFD Simulations of Portable Microchemical Devices for Hydrogen Production
- Dion Vlachos
University of Delaware
- CFD Methods for Reactions in Laminar Flow
- Fernando Muzzio
Rutgers University
- Simulations of Solid-Liquid Suspensions: From Dilute to Dense
- Jos Derksen
Delft University of Technology
Contributed talks
- CFD-Modeling of the Multiphase Flow in CFB Reactors with Application in Semi-Dry Flue Gas Cleaning
- Christian Schreithofer
University of Leoben
- CFD Modeling of Flow and Reaction Kinetics in a Fluidized Bed
- Fariborz Taghipour
University of British Columbia
- A Modification of the Gibilaro-Foscolo 'Particle Bed Model'
- Luca Mazzei
University College London
- Discrete Particle Modeling of Chemical Vapor Deposition in the Fluidized Bed Reactor
- Ernst-Ulriche Hartge
Technical University Hamburg-Harburg
- Parallelization of an Euler-Lagrange Model Using a Mixed Domain Decomposition and a Mirror Domain Technique: Application to Dispersed Gas Liquid Two Phase Flow
- Dadan Darmana
University of Twente
- Lattice Boltzmann Simulations of Drop Coalescence and Chemical Mixing
- Xinli Jia
Clarkson University
- Experimental and Numerical Study of Mass Transfer in Single Droplets
- Alexander Pawelski
- Mass Transfer, Mixing and Chemical Reactions in Deformable Bubble Swarms
- Johannes G. Khinast
Rutgers University
- Integration and Verification of a SO2-Chemisorption Model for Computational Spray-Tower Analysis
- Martin Demuth
University of Leoben
- Can We Use CFD to Predict Mixing Time in Stirred Tanks?
- Minye Liu
DuPont Engineering Technology
- Reactor Design Optimization Based on 3D CFD Modeling of Nitrides Deposition in MOCVD Vertical Rotating Disc Reactors
- Bojan Mitrovic
Veeco TurboDisc Operations, USA
- CFD Modeling of Trickle Bed Reactors: A Case of Hydro-processing Reactors
- Vivek V. Ranade
National Chemical Laboratory, India
- CFD Modelling of Turbulent Mass Transfer in a Mixing Channel
- Bjorn Hjertager
Aalborg University
- CFD Modeling of Precipitation of Nano-Particles in Confined Impinging Jet Reactor
- Danielle Marchisio
Politecnico di Torino
- Comparative Study of Transported Scalar PDF and Velocity-Scalar PDF Approaches to Delft Flame III
- Dirk Roekaerts
Delft University of Technology
- Aggregation and Breakage of Nanoparticle Dispersions in Heterogeneous Turbulent Flows
- Miroslav Soos
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich
- Numerical Simulation of a Solubility Process in a Stirred Tank Reactor
- Jos Derksen
TU Delft
- The Influence of the Density Difference on the Mixing Process in Mechanically Agitated Reactor
- Hristo V. Hristov
Research Centre Rossendorf
- Modelling of Packed Bed Membrane Reactors for Autothermal H2 Production
- Charudatta S. Patil
University of Twente
- Hydrodynamics of Unbaffled Vessels Stirred with Eccentrical Impellers
- Giusi Montante
DICMA - University of Bologna
Send any comments on this page to Anthony G. Dixon