Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Seventy Years

HARRIS, REV. PIERSON PENROSE. Ex-officio trustee, 1937-. Pastor of Central Congregational Church, Worcester, Mass

HARVEY, JOHN CHAPIN. Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, 1916-17. Born July 4, 1884. B.S., W.P.I., '08; M.E., '10. Automobile Distributor

HAYES, TRUMAN DAVIS. President of the Alumni Association, 1931-33. Born Dec. 10, 1880. B.S., W.P.I., '07. Insurance broker. (355)

HAYNES, MISS EMILY MAUD. Librarian of the Institute, 1902-. Drexel Institute Library School, '02. (190)

HAYNES, GEORGE HENRY. Instructor in Modern Languages and Mathematics, 1887-90. Professor of Economics and Government, 1893-1937. Chairman of the Faculty, 1925-37. Born Mar. 20, 1866. A.B., Amherst, '87; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, '93; L.H.D., Amherst, '33. (143-145-206-278-282-295-322-327-337-352-362- 364)

HEDIN, NABOTH. Instructor in Languages and Mathematics, 1907-08

HEDLUND, WILLARD. Instructor in Civil Engineering, 1910-13. Born Nov. 8,1887. B.S., W.P.I., '10. Superintendent of Public Buildings, Worcester. (265)

HEFFNER, ROE-MERRILL S. Instructor in German, 1916-18. A.B., Wittenberg, '13; A.M., '15; A.M., Harvard, '16. (266)

HEICHERT, HERMAN S. Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, 1898-1900. B.S., Rose Polytechnic Institute. (189)

HIGGINBOTTOM, EDWIN. Instructor in Modern Languages, 1927-36; in History, 1934-36; assistant professor, 1936-. Born Dec. 21, 1904. A.B., Clark, '26; A.M., Harvard, '32. (352-364)

HIGGINS, ALDUS CHAPIN. President of the Alumni Association, 1919-20. Trustee, 1920-. Born Dec. 7, 1872. Son of Milton P. Higgins, B.S., W.P.I., '93; D.Eng., '31; LL.M., National Univ., '96. President, Norton Company, Worcester. (300-312-354)

HIGGINS, JOHN WOODMAN. Contributor to scholarship endowment, 1936. Born Sept. 1, 1874. Son of Milton P. Higgins, B.S., W.P.I., '96. President, Worcester Pressed Steel Co. (356)

HIGGINS, KATHERINE CHAPIN. Contributor to Institute endowment, 1919. Daughter of Aldus M. Chapin. Widow of Milton P. Higgins. (257-343)

HIGGINS, MILTON PRINCE. Superintendent of the Washburn Shops, 1868-96. Trustee representing the State Board of Education, 1903-12. Born Dec. 7, 1842. A.B., Dartmouth, '68. President, Norton Company, Riley Stoker Co., Worcester Pressed Steel Co. Died Mar. 7, 1912. (44--90-136-138-146-186-200-234)

HILDRETH, SAMUEL ELBRIDGE. Ex-officio trustee, 1883. Mayor of Worcester. (126)


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