Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Seventy Years

AMES, WILLIAM LEWIS. Professor of Drawing and Machine Design, 1896-99. Born Oct. 25, 1855. B.S., W.P.I., '82; M.E., Rose P.I., '97. Treasurer, Reed & Prince Mfg. Co., Worcester, 1899-1919. Retired, New York, N. Y. (118-189)

ANDERSEN, ALLEN EMIL. Instructor in Mathematics, 1932-33. Born Dec. 17, 1899. A.B., Nebraska, '23; A.M., '24

ANTHONY, WILLARD BULLOCK. Secretary, Y. M. C. A., 1919-23. Office Secretary, Providence (R. I.) Y. M. C. A. (288-310)

APPLETON, FRANCIS EDWARD. President of the Alumni Association, 1876-79. Born May 25, 1853. B.S., W.P.I., '74. President, Lowell (Mass.) Cooperative Bank. (115)

ARMSBY, HENRY PRENTISS. Assistant in Chemistry, 1871-72. Recipient of the first Institute honorary degree, D.Sc., 1921. Born Sept. 21, 1853. B.S., W.P.I., '71; Ph.B., Yale, '74; Ph.D., '79; LL.D., Wisconsin, '04; Sc.D., Yale, '20. Director, Institute of Animal Nutrition, Pennsylvania State College. Died Oct. 19, 1921 (92-115-309)

ATWOOD, LELAND LEAVITT. Professor of Modern Languages and History, and head of the department, 1930 Born Sept. 7, 1895. A.B., Clark, '16; M.A., Cornell, '22; Ph.D., '27. (352-360)

AU, CARL HENRY. Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, 1902-06. Born 1876. B.S., W.P.I., '02; M.E., '06. Partner, Carl H. Au & Son, Washington, D.C. (204)

BADGER, HENRY W. Instructor in Woodworking, 1878 (?)-98. Born 1843. Died Oct. 20, 1912. (140-189)

BAGLEY, WINFRED N. Instructor in Mathematics, 1909-10

BAILEY, CHARLES FRANKLIN. Trustee, 1925-. Born Aug. 29,1863. B.S., W.P.I., '88; D.Eng., '28. Engineering director, Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. (317-348-354-359)

BAKER, CHARLES. Secretary of the Alumni Association, 1899-1909; president, 1909-12. Trustee and Secretary of the Corporation, 1911-. Born Oct. 8, 1872. B.S., W.P.I., '93. President, Baker Lumber Co., Worcester. (165-197-231-234-240--295)

BALCOM, SAMUEL E. Instructor in Engines and Boilers, 1908-17. Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, 1914-17. (217-250)

BALL, PHINEHAS. Ex-officio trustee, 1865-66. First Secretary of the Corporation. Born Jan. 18, 1824. Mayor of Worcester, 1865. Died Dec. 19, 1894. (23-38-39)

BARNES, REV. LEMUEL CALL. Ex-officio trustee, 1903-09. Pastor, First Baptist Church of Worcester. (200-215)


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