Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Seventy Years

SALISBURY, STEPHEN, SR. Trustee and first President of the Corporation, 1865-84. Born Mar. 8, 1798. A.B., Harvard, 1817; LL.D., '57. Massachusetts Legislature, 1838-39; Senate, 1846-47. Presidential elector, 1860, 1872. President, American Antiquarian Society, 1854-84. President, Worcester Public Library. Overseer, Harvard College. Died Aug. 24, 1884. (6-23-37-47-50-66-75-76-90-126)

SALISBURY, STEPHEN, JR. Trustee, 1884-1905. President of the Corporation, 1895-1905. Born Mar. 31, 1835. A.B., Harvard, '56; LL.B., Harvard Law School, '60. Massachusetts Senate, 1893-95. President, American Antiquarian Society, 1887-1905. Died Nov. 16, 1905. (7-127-131-173-176-181-207-208)

SAVAGE, REV. MAXWELL. Ex-officio trustee, 1919-. Pastor, First Unitarian Church of Worcester. (300)

SAWYER, MISS M. ELIZABETH. Secretary of Admissions, 1929-

SCHEITLEY, CLAUDE KNIGHT. Instructor in Modern Languages, 1928-33; assistant professor, 1937-. Born Aug. 11, 1906. A.B., Pennsylvania, '28. (352)

SCHWIEGER, ALBERT JAMES. Instructor in Economics and Government, 1930-36; assistant professor, 1936-37; professor and head of department, 1937-. Born Nov. 28, 1906. A.B., Hamline, '28; M.A., Clark, '29; Ph.D., Harvard, '36. (353-364)

SELLERS, PAUL THORNTON. Instructor in Mathematics, 1916-17. B.S., New Hamsphire, '14

SEWALL, RICHARD BLACK. Contributor to Institute endowment, 1919. (290)

SHEA, JAMES JOSEPH. President of the Alumni Association, 1933-35. Trustee, 1936-. Born Aug. 18, 1889. B.S., W.P.I., '12. Superintendent, U.S. Envelope Co., Springfield, Mass. (359-363)

SHEDD, CLARENCE P. First secretary, Student Y. M. C. A. (226-270)

SHEDD, PAUL CAMPBELL. Instructor in Physics, 1924-28. Born Sept. 12, 1901. B.S., W.P.I., '24. Assistant professor, Newark College of Engineering. (353)

SHERMAN, FRANK A. Instructor in Mathematics, 1870-71. Professor of Mathematics, Dartmouth College. Died 1915. (62-266)

SHERWOOD, THOMAS KILGORE. Lecturer in Chemical Engineering, 1925-28; 1930-31; assistant professor, 1928-30. Born July, 25 1903. B.B., McGill, '23; S.M., M.I.T., '24; Sc.D., '29. Professor of Chemical Engineering, M.I.T. (323-352)

SIEGFRIED, VICTOR. Instructor in Electrical Engineering, 1933-37; assistant professor, 1937-. Born Dec. 13, 1909. A.B., Stanford, '30; E.E., '32. (361)


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