Academic Programs
Research Programs
Nanotech Resources
Lab Usage

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

AFM Reservations

If you are a qualified user and have my permission to use a particular AFM, you can reserve time on it by following the appropriate link below.  You may reserve time from the current day to fourteen days in advance.  Some users will be restricted to only business hours, others not, depending on their access to the building, etc.  Only the hours that are available to you will be shown.  Hours marked "unavailable" are for the AFM courses, PH 2510 and PH 561, and other academic and research uses.

The number of hours you can reserve for the upcoming two weeks is finite, but not for the current day or the next day.  This allows you to take open hours at the last minute without having to unreserve your scheduled future hours.  Please use the reservation system responsibly.

Reserve Alpha

Reserve Beta

Reserve Asylum

Reserve NaioAFM I

Approved NaioAFM Users

Current Prices of NaioAFM Consumables

Last modified: February 2015