Academic Programs
Research Programs
Nanotech Resources
Lab Usage

Worcester Polytechnic Institute


The AFM Lab is housed in Olin Hall 009 at WPI. Our principal instruments are two Autoprobe M5 AFMs from Veeco Metrology. The equipment is used for the Atomic Force Microscopy courses, undergraduate and graduate research projects, contract research, and AFM service work. Please read the Lab Usage guidelines if you are interested in access to the equipment.

Features of the Autoprobe M5:

M5 photo
  • Scan range up to 100 x 100 square microns
  • Closed-loop scanner for metrology with 5% accuracy
  • 200 mm translation stage accomodating up to 400 x 400 x 25 mm^3 samples
  • On-axis integrated optics, 400-1700X
  • Liquid and air operation
  • Up to eight data acquisition channels
  • Most data acquistion modes
  • Windows 98 operating system
  • Intuitive user interface
  • Sophisticated image processing

Last modified: June 2010