Academic Programs
Research Programs
Nanotech Resources
Lab Usage

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Prices for NaioAFM Consumables

Individual Items
Probes from MikroMasch, each

HQ: CSC17 contact mode $20

HQ: NSC16 intermittent-contact mode $20

HQ: NSC18 non-contact mode $20
2" x 2" Gel-Pak storage box, with grid $6
2" x 2" Gel-Pak storage box, no grid $4
Small magnetic storage box
Large magnetic storage box $15
Ten 15-mm sample discs $6
Twenty-one 9-mm adhesive tabs $4

Ten 15-mm sample discs and 21 9-mm adhesive tabs $9
2" x 2" Gel-Pak gridded storage box with five probes $100

Those of you whose faculty advisors have agreed to the terms of AFM use (i.e. have provided a charge number) may pick up and sign for NaioAFM consumables during my office hours in OH 219.  I buy the consumables at wholesale rates; the above prices are competitive with retail rates.  The net gains go into a fund that supports repairs, training, and possible future purchases of instrumentation for nanoscience.  I think this charge system is a better approach than hourly fees, from which students would probably feel time pressure.  ~NAB

Last modified: June 2016