Acronym Dictionary

Acronyms are very important at WPI, and while no one is expected to know them all, knowing the more common ones will make life a lot easier. Here’s a partial list of the acronyms used...

Student Organizations

ACM Association for Computing Machinery
AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
ATC Academic Technology Center
BMES Biomedical Engineering Society
BSU Black Student Union
CAI Committee on Academic Issues
CBF Christian Bible Fellowship
CCC Computing and Communications Center
FIRST For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology
FSAE Formula Society of Automotive Engineers
GAEA Global Awareness of Environmental Activity
GHC Goat’s Head Committee
GDC Game Development Club
GI Guerilla Improv
GSG Graduate Student Government
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IFC Inter Fraternity Council
ISC International Student Council
LnL Lens and Lights
LSI Legal and Social Issues
NRHH National Residence Hall Honorary
NSBE National Society of Black Engineers
PHC Panhellenic Council
SAAC Student Athletic Advisory Committee
SAO Student Activities Office
SAS Student Alumni Society
SCP Student Comedy Productions
SFS Science Fiction Society
SGA Student Government Association (undergraduate)
SHM Simple Harmonic Motion
SocComm WPI Social Committee
SOMA Society of Martial Arts
SPAW Students Promoting Animal Welfare
SWE Society of Women Engineers

Buildings (Academic)

AK Atwater Kent Laboratories
FL Fuller Laboratories
GH Goddard Hall
GL Gordon Library
GP Gateway Park
HL Higgins Laboratories
KH Kaven Hall
OH Olin Hall
PC Project Center
SH Stratton Hall
SL Salisbury Laboratories
WB Washburn Shops and Stoddard Laboratories

Buildings (Other)

AG Alumni Gymnasium
AH Alden Hall
CC Harrington Auditorium
BC Bartlett Center
BH Boynton Hall
HH Higgins House
PH Power House
DH Daniels Hall
EA Ellsworth Apartments
EH East Hall
FA Fuller Apartments
FH Founders Hall
IH Institute Hall
MH Morgan Hall
RH Riley-Sanford Hall
SA Stoddard A
SB Stoddard B
SC Stoddard C

Course Prefixes

ACC Accounting
AR Art History
AS Air Science
BB Biology/Biotechnology
BME Biomedical Engineering
BUS Business
CE Civil and Environmental Engineering
CH Chemistry
CHE Chemical Engineering
CP Cooperative Education
CS Computer Science
ECE Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECON Economics
EN English
ENT Entrepreneurship
ES Engineering Science
EX Exchange Program
FIN Finance
FPE Fire Protection Engineering
GN German
GOV Political Science, Government, and Law
GPS Great Problems Seminar
HI History
HU Humanities
ID Interdisciplinary
IDG Interdisciplinary (Graduate)
IMGD Interactive Media and Game Development
IS International Studies
MA Mathematics
ME Mechanical Engineering
MFE Manufacturing Engineering
MIS Management Information Systems
MKT Marketing
ML Military Leadership
MME Mathematics for Educators
MTE Materials Science and Engineering
MU Music
OBC Organization Behavior and Change
OIE Operations and Industrial Engineering
PE Physical Education
PH Physics
PSY Psychology
PY Philosophy
RBE Robotics Engineering
RE Religion
RH Rhetoric
SD System Dynamics
SECE Electrical and Computer Engineering (SIM)
SIM School of Industrial Managment
SMIS Management Information Systems (SIM)
SOC Sociology
SOIE Operations and Industrial Engineering (SIM)
SP Spanish
SS General Social Sciences
STS Society/Technology Studies
TH Theater
WR Writing

See also The WPI Acronym Dictionary (unofficial).

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