Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Seventy Years

KNOWLES, LUCIUS JAMES. Trustee, 1871-84. Born July 2, 1819. Partner, L. J. Knowles & Brother, Worcester. Died Feb. 27, 1884. (69-125-126)

KNOWLES, LUCIUS JAMES | Contributors of the Knowles Loan Fund, 1917. GAGE, MABEL KNOWLES | Children of Francis Bangs and Hester Ann WARREN, FRANCES KNOWLES. | Knowles. (280)

KNOWLTON, WILLIAM. Donor of Boynton Street walls and gates. Hat manufacturer, Upton, Mass. (48-76)

KOLB, ROBERT PHILLIPS. Professor of Heat-Power Engineering, 1936-. Born Nov. 5, 1897. M.E., Rensselaer, '18; M.M.E., Cornell, '32. (360)

KYES, JOHN FENDERSON. Secretary of the Alumni Association, 1889-92. Born Feb. 23, 1855. B.S., W.P.I., '76. Partner Kyes & Woodbury, 1880-98. Massachusetts Legislature, 1923-28. Died Jan. 25, 1932. (167)

LAKE, EVERETT JOHN. Trustee, 1921-26. Born Feb. 8, 1871. B.S., W.P.I., '90; A.B., Harvard, '92; LL.D., Wesleyan, '21; LL.D., Trinity, '22. Governor of Connecticut, 1921-22. President, Hartford Lumber Co. (153-313-316)

LARSON, CARL WILLIAM. Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, 1923-. B.M.E., Northeastern, '23. (321)

LAUER, CONRAD NEWTON. Trustee, 1932-36. Born Nov. 25, 1869. M.E., Stevens, '30. President, Philadelphia Gas Works Co. (358-359)

LAWTON, WILLARD ELLIOTT. Instructor in Physics, 1922-36; assistant professor, 1936-. Born May 23, 1899. B.S., W.P.I., '20; M.S., '22. (321-364)

LEPESHKIN, SEMEN A. Instructor in Mathematics, 1929-32. M.A., Columbia, '27. (353)

LIBBEY, VINNIETTA J. Contributor to scholarship endowment, in memory of Fred A. Morse, '92-1933. (356)

LIBBY, MALCOLM. Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, 1920-21. Born 1878. B.S., W.P.I., '00; E.E., '03; M.B.A., Harvard, '18. Died Aug. 5, 1937

LINCOLN, DANIEL WALDO. Trustee and Secretary of the Corporation, 1865--76. Born Jan. 16, 1813. A.B., Harvard,'31. Lawyer. Massachusetts Legislature, 1846. Mayor of Worcester, 1863-64. Died July 1, 1880. (24-38-50-79)

LINCOLN, WALDO. Trustee, 1884-99. Treasurer of Corporation, 1883-93. Born Dec. 31, 1949. Son of D. Waldo Lincoln. A.B., Harvard, '70. Manufacturer, banker, genealogist. President, American Antiquarian Society. Died Apr. 8, 1933. (126-136-182-359)

LINGLEY, CHARLES RAMSDELL. Instructor in English and German, 1902-04. BornDec. 31,1877. B.S., W.P.I., '00; A.M., Columbia, '05; Ph.D., '10. Professor of History, Dartmouth College. Died Jan. 30, 1934. (205)


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