Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Seventy Years

BURDICK, EARL V. Instructor in Modern Languages, 1911-15. A.B., Colgate, '11

BURGESS, WAYLAND McCOLLEY. Instructor in Chemistry, 1920-24. B.S., R.I. State, '19. Washington, D.C. (303-322)

BURKE, JOHN WILLIAM. Trustee, 1923-28. Born May 7, 1865. B.S., W.P.I., '87; D.Eng., '37. Consulting engineer, New York, N.Y. Died Sept. 2, 1937. (316)

BURR, FRANK ARTHUR. Assistant professor of Mechanical Engineering, 1927-30. M.E., Brown, '05. (351)

BUSEY, HERBERT STEVENSON. Instructor in Drawing, 1912-20. Maryland Institute, '98. (236-303)

BUTLER, FREDERIC RAYMOND. Assistant professor of Chemistry, 1927-37; professor, 1937-. Born May 26, 1899. B.S., W.P.I., '20; M.S., '22; M.A., Harvard, '24; Ph.D., '25. (352)

BUTTERFIELD, ARTHUR DEXTER. Instructor in Civil Engineering, 1894-98; assistant professor of Mathematics, 1908-10; professor, 1910-14; professor of Mathematics and Geodesy, 1914-20. Secretary of the Alumni Association, 1909-21; treasurer, 1916-22. Born Oct. 13,1870. B.S., W.P.I., '93; M.S., '98; A.M., Columbia, '04. Professor of Engineering, University of Vermont. (185-216-242-258-265-272-277-292-296-304-311)

CALHANE, DANIEL FRANCIS. Instructor in Industrial Chemistry, 1903-13; assistant professor, 1913-18; professor, 1918-36. Born Aug. 19, 1867. A.B., Harvard, '94; A.M., '96; Ph.D., '04. (205-236-279-362)

CALLAHAN, JOHN A. Contributor to scholarship endowment, 1934. (356)

CARNEY, WILLIAM F. Instructor in Modern Languages, 1912-13

CARPENTER, PERCY ROBERT. Professor of Physical Education, 1916-. Born June 4, 1882. A.B., Harvard, '07. (263-266- 278)

CHADBOURNE, PAUL A. Lecturer in Geology, 1870-74. Born Oct. 21, 1823. President, Massachusetts Agricultural College, University of Wisconsin, Williams College. Died Feb. 23, 1883. (39-42-62-95)

CHAMBERLAIN, JOSEPH BOARD. Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, 1936 Born Apr. 19, 1910. M.E., Rensselaer, '33

CHAMBERLIN, HENRY HARMON. Secretary of organization meeting, 1865. Worcester merchant. Died Jan. 11, 1900. (8)

CHANDLER, CLARENCE AUSTIN. Superintendent of the Washburn Shops, 1896-1903. Born Oct. 27, 1852. B.S., W.P.I., '74. General manager, Chandler Construction Co., East Bridgewater, Mass. (188-204)


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