Computing & Communications Center

Voice Messaging Quick Reference

Note: If you are calling in from off-campus, or your phone does not have a "Message" button, you will need to call x5900 (508-831-5900 from off campus) to log into Voice Messaging.

If you are checking the messages of the extension you are using, touch #, the PIN, and then #.

If you are on a different line, or are calling from off campus, you must touch the four digit extension, #, the PIN, and then #.

If you have any questions, please contact the Telecommunications Office at or call the HelpDesk at x5888.

Main Commands Playback Commands Message Commands Mailbox Commands
Skip Backward1 Decrease Speed21 Reply71 Login81
Play2 Increase Speed23 Play Envelope72 Greetings82
Skip Forward3 Forward73 Log Off83
Previous Message4 Reply All74 Password Change84
Record5 Compose75 Distribution Lists85
Next Message6 Delete/Restore76 Go to a Message86
Message Commands7 Send79 Personal Verification89
Mailbox Commands8 Message Help7* Mailbox Help8*
Call Sender9 Message Options70 Mailbox Options80
Help* Cancel/Exit7# Cancel/Exit8#
Attendant/Thru Dial0

Please see voicemail quick reference for more info on available voicemail commands.

Remember:Previously played voice messages are deleted after 15 days!
Voice mail which is never listened to accumlates in the system. Voice mail boxes which are never checked are cleared every 6 months to make space in the voice system.
Please check your voice messages. Don't let your calls go unanswered.
Maintained by
Last modified: Jul 19, 2013, 15:14 UTC
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