Computing & Communications Center
Software Applications Instruction

Evaluation Form

Please fill out this form to let us know how we are doing and what future classes you would like to attend. Check the appropriate boxes. Click on the "Submit Evaluation" button when finished.

Which session are you evaluating?
When did you attend the session?
Who instructed your session?
How did you feel about the session length? too long just right not long enough
How did you feel about the technical content? too technical just right not technical enough
Was the time and length of the session appropriate? good time prefer another time
Time(s) prefered:
How do you feel the instructor communicated to the class? For more than one instructor, please specify comments below for each one. S/he communicated clearly S/he communicated poorly
Do you feel all the topics were covered for this session? all covered some topics were not covered
Topic(s) not discussed:
What additional training would you be interested in?
Do you have any comments regarding the facility in which the class or demonstration took place?
Please enter any additional comments or feedback below:
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Last modified: Apr 03, 2009, 13:08 UTC
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