Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Seventy Years

Purdue, and had written an exceedingly lucid textbook on Mechanics. He immediately won the respect and affection of students, and his death in October, 1911, was a great shock to all who had known him. At thirty-eight, he had given promise of being one of the greatest teachers in Institute tradition.

Charles M. Allen was promoted to professor of Hydraulics in 1909. His work in this field and his commercial tests at the Chaffins laboratory were establishing him as one of the foremost hydraulic engineers. Also, for a decade, he had been giving a popular discourse on the use and abuse of gasoline, an enlightening talk that was to be in demand for decades to come. Elmer H. Fish resigned in 1909 to become head of the Worcester boys' trade school, which had been founded by the city as a result of Milton P. Higgins' long efforts. Two new instructors were appointed in 1910, Francis W. Roys, '09, in general mechanical subjects, and Burton L. Gray in foundry practice.

Various instructors served short terms in the Civil Engineering department, but only Arthur J. Knight, '07, was retained. He was appointed in 1910, following three years of railroad experience in the Northwest. Likewise in the Physics department, only two appointees became longtime members of the staff. Dr. Morton Masius, who had been educated in Germany, completing his graduate work at the University of Leipzig and at Harvard, came to the Institute in 1909, as did Dr. Albert W. Hull, who had just finished graduate work at Yale. Both were unusually capable physicists and teachers. Dr. Ewell was promoted to professor in this department the following year. To the Modern Language department in 1908 came a delightful gentleman named Charles J. Adams, a graduate of Amherst and an experienced newspaper man, who immediately won favor with students by assuming the role of "professor of things in general."

The death of Dr. Leonard P. Kinnicutt, February 7, 1911, was a most serious loss to the Institute. His illness, diagnosed


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