Information Technology Division
Computing & Communications Center

Accounts & E-mail

Members of the WPI Community receive several different kinds of accounts upon arrival at WPI, and some of these accounts pertain to e-mail, but not all.

Students cannot create logins until just before the term or semester for which they are registered. For terms E or A, or the fall semester, logins cannot be created until the middle of April. For term C or the spring semester, logins can be created around the middle of December.

Usernames and passwords to these accounts are private information - it is against the AUP to share them with anyone, for any reason. Violations of the AUP may result in the removal of account(s).

Your login will be maintained as long as you are continuously registered or employed by WPI. Due to restrictions on the licensed resources to which you have access via your login, logins must be removed if you are not registered or employed.

Typically, logins of people who depart WPI are removed at the end of each month, although a login might be removed immediately at the request of the Registrar's Office, for students, or the Human Resources Office, for employees.

Logins of October graduates are removed at the end of December. Logins of February graduates are removed at the end of April. Logins of May graduates are removed in September.

Accounts Overview
Learn more about the different types of accounts at WPI and what they do.
Account Maintenance
Start here to create your accounts, as well as to change and reset your passwords.
E-mail Overview & Configuration
Learn about the different e-mail options including how to configure e-mail clients for the different services.
E-mail Etiquette
With power comes responsibility - learn how to use your e-mail effectively and wisely.
Community E-mail Lists
Lists which can reach community members
Student Employee Information Technology Access
Request access for student employees working within your department.
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Last modified: Jan 17, 2019, 15:32 UTC
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