Information Technology Division
Computing & Communications Center

Standing Lists

Individuals at WPI become members of these lists based on their registration or employment information.

There are two types of list. One type enables discussions among the members and the other type is for announcements. The announcement lists are typically moderated, where an individual or group decides whether messages sent to the group will actually reach the group. The discussion lists are also typically moderated, in that messages sent to the group by someone who is not a member of the group are examined by the moderators. If you email to an announcement list, or to a discussion list in which you are not a member, if you receive an error message about there being no moderator, that list is closed to outside access.

List NameUse
Discussions discussion limited to faculty discussion of employee interest another list for employees, but concerning for sale items, personal items
undergraduates@wpi.eduUndergraduate Students
grads-fulltime@wpi.eduFull Time Graduate students
grads-parttime@wpi.eduPart Time Graduate Students
graduate-students@wpi.eduGraduate Students
other-students@wpi.eduEvening Division, ADLN, Massachusetts Academy, etc.
students@wpi.eduAll students: undergraduates, grad students, evening division, and ADLN
voting-faculty@wpi.eduTenure Track, Voting Faculty

All of these lists, other than potpourri, have an associated official business list as well. The lists are for discussion or announcements, but the official business lists are only for official announcements. An official business list is prefixed by all. i.e. whereas employees goes to employees, allemployees is the official business list for employees. The difference between the lists is that a recipient can unsubscribe and not receive messages sent to employees, but cannot unsubscribe from allemployees, so that every recipient receives important announcements.

Many of the lists have limits on the size of a message that can be sent. A large message sent to thousands of recipients takes up a lot of server space and, of course, contributes toward each recipient's quota. If you find your message bounces back to you as being too large, you can consider using to store the images or documents. You can include the URL to those files in your mail message and your message will not be so large.

To begin sending email to a discussion list in which you are a member, you must visit the new list management web page and click to accept the list-specific Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for each list that you want to use. Continued list participation will require annual confirmation of acceptance of the AUP for the list.

As new employees and students arrive at WPI, they will automatically receive the appropriate email list messages based on their faculty, student, or staff status. List members may view and manage their list memberships and opt out of lists online at

A short disclaimer will be appended to each email message passing through these lists. It will refer to the list management web page and list AUP. An example disclaimer is below:

Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the university. You may refer to the employees list AUP and manage list membership.

Your membership can be managed at the Standing List management page.

These lists only accepts email from the CCC mail systems. The software must identify the sender as a list member in order to know whether to accept the message, so we must limit the sending systems to have that assurance.

For those who have desktop mail clients which do not use the Exchange system, there is a mail server which authenticates the sender so that email can be sent to the lists. You would need to change the SMTP system from being at port 25, to being at a different port. Please see these notes for how to change your system. You can use this service from home or campus systems.

Please contact Helpdesk for questions about these new lists.

This is a discussion list for faculty.

There is an AUP which describes the subjects and etiquette which are suitable for this particular list. For a member to be able to email the list, the member must use the list management page and click to accept the AUP.

This list was initially be populated by WPI community members who have faculty employee status codes in Banner. As new faculty arrive, they will automatically receive the list messages. List members may opt out at the list management web page.

An individual who does not have a faculty employee code who wants to join the faculty mailing list should send a message to to request to be added. This request will go to the faculty members of CITP for consideration. To discover if you are on the list, go to the list management web page. If you don't see a selection for faculty, then you need to apply by email for membership.

Email from non-list members is moderated by some members of the faculty.

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This is a discussion list for all employees, both faculty and staff.

There is an AUP which describes the subjects and etiquette which are suitable for this particular list. For a member to be able to email the list, the member must use the list management web page and click to accept the AUP. Roughly, this list is for employment issues and for events at WPI.

This list was initially be populated by WPI community members who have employee status codes, other than "non-employee", in Banner. As new employees arrive, they will automatically receive the email list messages. List members may opt out at the list management web page. Non-employees can opt in to the list at the list management web page.

Students wishing to send a message to this list must have an employee do so on their behalf.

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This is a discussion list for all employees, both faculty and staff.

There is an AUP which describes the subjects and etiquette which are suitable for this particular list. For a member to be able to email the list, the member must use the list management web page and click to accept the AUP. The subjects for this list are more casual than those of or lists, and allows for sale, personal interests, events, and other such messages. Whereas WPI sports might be announced or discussed on, Red Sox, Patriots, Celtics, Bruins and other sports might be discussed on

This list started having been populated by WPI community members who have employee codes, other than "non-employee", in Banner. As new employees arrive, they will automatically receive the list messages. List members may opt out at the list management page. Non-employees can opt in to the list at the list management page.

Students wishing to send a message to this list must have an employee do so on their behalf.

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This is an announcement list in which the recipients are registered as freshmen. Messages to this list are moderated by the SGA. Do not email a message to this list as well as a list which encompasses this group, or the freshmen will receive two (or more) copies of the message. e.g. if you mean to email undergraduates, do not email undergraduates and freshmen, or students and freshmen. Choose only the appropriate, non-overlapping student list.

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This is an announcement list in which the recipients are registered as sophomores. Messages to this list are moderated by the SGA. Do not email a message to this list as well as a list which encompasses this group, or the sophomores will receive two (or more) copies of the message. e.g. if you mean to email undergraduates, do not email undergraduates and sophomores, or students and sophomores. Choose only the appropriate, non-overlapping student list.

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This is an announcement list in which the recipients are registered as juniors. Messages to this list are moderated by the SGA. Do not email a message to this list as well as a list which encompasses this group, or the juniors will receive two (or more) copies of the message. e.g. if you mean to email undergraduates, do not email undergraduates and juniors, or students and juniors. Choose only the appropriate, non-overlapping student list.

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This is an announcement list in which the recipients are registered as seniors. Messages to this list are moderated by the SGA. Do not email a message to this list as well as a list which encompasses this group, or the seniors will receive two (or more) copies of the message. e.g. if you mean to email undergraduates, do not email undergraduates and seniors, or students and seniors. Choose only the appropriate, non-overlapping student list.

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This is an announcement list in which the recipients are registered as undergraduates. Messages to this list are moderated by the SGA.

If you mean to email the undergraduate body, please use this list, not freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. The latter four lists are equivalent, but it would require the SGA to approve four messages rather than just one. Also, do not email undergraduates and students, since undergraduates are encompassed in students, which will cause the undergraduates to receive two messages.

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This is an announcement list in which the recipients are registered as full time graduate students. Messages to this list are moderated by the GSG. Do not email a message to this list as well as a list which encompasses this group, or the full time graduate students will receive two (or more) copies of the message. e.g. if you mean to email graduate-students, do not email graduate-students and grads-fulltime, or students and grads-fulltime. Choose only the appropriate, non-overlapping student list.

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This is an announcement list in which the recipients are registered as part time graduate students. Messages to this list are moderated by the GSG. Do not email a message to this list as well as a list which encompasses this group, or the part time graduate students will receive two (or more) copies of the message. e.g. if you mean to email graduate-students, do not email graduate-students and grads-parttime, or students and grads-parttime. Choose only the appropriate, non-overlapping student list.

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This is an announcement list in which the recipients are registered as graduate students. The mail actually goes to the two lists

Therefore, messages to this list are moderated by the GSG. Do not email a message to this list as well as a list which encompasses this group, or the graduate students will receive two (or more) copies of the message. e.g. if you mean to email students, do not email students and graduate-students. Choose only the appropriate, non-overlapping student list.

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This is an announcement list in which the recipients are not graduate or undergraduate students. This list includes evening divison and Massachusetts Academy students. Typically, this list is not used on its own, but rather assures that email to reaches all the students, not just undergraduates and graduate students.

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Email to this list will reach the students. The email is directed to several lists.

Please do not use this list in conjunction with any other student list, or the recipients will receive duplicate messages

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This is an announcement list in which the recipients are the tenure track, voting faculty.

Do not email a message to this list as well as a list which encompasses this group, or the voting faculty will receive two (or more) copies of the message. e.g. if you mean to email employees, do not email employees and voting-faculty, or if you mean to email faculty, do not email faculty and voting-faculty. Choose only the appropriate, non-overlapping list.

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Last modified: Jan 25, 2012, 18:25 UTC