Information Technology Division
Computing & Communications Center

Compute Cluster Resources

The CCC UNIX group maintains a linux cluster for use in developing massively parallel computation software. This cluster is open for use by any WPI community members.

The cluster consists of 6 dual - Quad Core 2.7GHz Opteron systems with 16GB RAM each, plus another similar system which acts as a controller. These systems are connected to one another through a private gigabit ethernet switch.

The cluster is built around the NPACI Rocks Cluster Distribution, which is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.1.

A variety of software tools is available on the CCC Compute Cluster, including the gnu C and Fortran compilers, the MPICH message-passing libraries, various math kernels and toolkits, and other computational software resources.

For access to the CCC Compute Cluster, contact the CCC UNIX group.

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Last modified: Jul 21, 2009, 18:06 UTC
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