Delete Page or Post

Deleting a Page or Post

To delete a web page or blog post, click on the appropriate menu (Pages or Posts) and hover over the one you wish to delete..

On the hover menu, you will see a Trash option.  Click this to move the page to the trash.

Note that the file is just moved to the trash and is not actually deleted.  You can go into the trash folder to restore a page if you accidentally delete a page.

To get to the trash folder go to either the Pages section or the Posts, depending upon what you want to delete.  At  the top of the page, there is a horizontal menu (1) that allows you to filter the page to view:  All Pages, Published Pages, Draft Pages or Trash.  Click on the Trash link.

To RESTORE(2):  Hover over the page you want to restore and click on the Restore link.  This will restore the page to it’s former state – either Published or Draft.

To PERMANENTLY DELETE(2):  Hover over the page you want to delete and click on the Delete Permanently link.

You can also check the box prior to multiple pages and use the “Bulk Action” drop-down box to Restore or Permanently Delete multiple pages at once.

In addition, you can ”Empty the Trash(3)” to delete all of the pages in the trash at once.

See more Tutorials

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