The Industrial Microwave Modeling Group
7th Seminar "Computer Modeling & Microwave Power Industry"
Friday, January 7, 2005
Monterey, CA
Sponsored by The Ferrite Company, Inc.
Endorsed by the International Microwave Power Institute
Organized in cooperation with the Naval Postgraduate School
Seminar Chair: Prof. Vadim Yakovlev, IMMG, WPI
Seminar Co-Chair: Dr. Richard Adler, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Invited Speakers and Presented Software
- Bogdan Ionescu, Ansoft, Inc., HFSS & ePhysics
- David Kan, COMSOL, Inc., FEMLAB
- Jonathan Oakley, CST of America, Inc., Microwave Studio
- Wolfgang Hoefer, Faustus Scientific Corp., MEFiSTo
- Cris Emson, Vector Fields, Inc., CONCERTO & BHM
- Jian Zheng, Zeland Software, Inc., FIDELITY
Seminar Information
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