Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Seventy Years

just at the close of the period described in this chapter the Corporation lost two of its most capable members, Moses B. Kaven, '85, and Harrison P. Eddy, '91. Dr. Eddy had served as a trustee since 1929, during which period he had achieved the highest office in his profession, the presidency of the American Society of Civil Engineers. For many years before his death he had been the dean of American sanitary engineers. His service to the Institute had been constructive and faithful.

The loss of Dr. Kaven was the more severe. He had been a trustee since 1920, one of five of the original term members to continue on the Board until 1937. During those years his counsel and his activities in behalf of the Institute had become progressively more valuable. He had become the leading figure of the administration, comparable with the Salisburys and Charles G. Washburn. When he retired from the more arduous of his industrial duties in 1924 he moved to Worcester, in order that he might give the maximum amount of attention to the problems of the Institute. His annual contributions were generous, timely, and usually anonymous. After his death it was learned that the major portion of his large estate had been bequeathed to his college.

The period of regret, which followed the retirement of five able and well-loved professors and the passing of two distinguished trustees, is perhaps the most appropriate terminus that could have been chosen for this chronicle. Throughout this closing chapter, as was promised at its beginning, there has been careful avoidance of comment on acts or policies of the administration and of the faculty. Some day the full account of these latter years will be written. If the writer possesses an understanding heart, his appraisal of President Ralph Earle, his colleagues, and his times, will constitute a bright chapter in the long history of the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, an excellent engineering college that would not stay within the bounds of its founders' vision.


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