'83, Harry P. Davis, '90, Stanley H. Rood, '90, Francis E. Bradford,
'91, Ervin W. Howard, '92, Clayton 0. Smith, '92, Hugh M. Southgate,
'92, and Edward W. Vaill, '93, all in the department of Physics.
George W. Patterson, '88, Ernest W. Desper, '89, Ellis W. Lazell, '90,
John F. Rogers, '91, and Edward L. Smith, '92, served similarly in the
department of Chemistry. Arthur J. Bean, '89, was assistant in
Drawing; James L. Barnes, '89, George W. Booth, '91, and Nathan Heard,
'93, in Civil Engineering; Lee Russell, '88, and Arthur L. Rice, '91,
in Mechanical Engineering; and Walter G. Wesson, '86, in
Mathematics. Mr. Desper was promoted to instructor after two years and
served until 1893. Mr. Rood became an instructor in 1891.
Four other young men, who were destined to become well-known members
of the staff, began their teaching during that period. Alton L. Smith,
'90, started that year as assistant in Drawing and Laboratory, and
became an instructor two years later. Zelotes W. Coombs, another honor
graduate from Amherst, came to the Institute from the University of
Virginia in 1890. His first assignment was as clerk to the President
and assistant in languages. He was promoted to instructor the
following year, and in 1894 was granted leave for a year of study in
Europe. Joseph Beals, '85, also an experienced teacher, became
instructor in Mathematics in 1891. Daniel F. O'Regan, '91, was
appointed instructor in Chemistry in 1893, when began the famous
Kinnicutt-O'Regan alliance that lasted for nearly two decades.
The end of the college year 1891 brought deep regrets to faculty and
students. "Tene" Eaton had resigned. Broken in health, he terminated
his nineteen-year service as junior professor of Mathematics to seek
the traditional fountain in California. How abundantly he found it is
one of the finest testimonials to that state. He outlived all his
contemporaries, and enjoyed a full life to the age of eighty-six.
To succeed Professor Eaton came Levi Leonard Conant, thirty-four,
destined to become one of the most able and best