Worcester Polytechnic Institute

A Planning Program for Worcester Polytechnic Institute: The Future of Two Towers - Part Two


This report is a continuation of the first report of the Planning Group, issued in March, 1969. The planning schedule of that first report proposed that the Planning Group present to the chief executive of the College by June 30, 1969 a report covering the following items: 1. Completed preliminary analyses of remaining possible objectives for the College; 2. Additional suggestions for evaluation; 3. Completed analysis of the present status of the Institute with evaluations of strengths and weaknesses and potential resources. This proposal has been followed in the writing of this second report.

The two reports should be viewed as a whole. Together, they represent an attempt to analyze WPI as it is today and what it might become. We had hoped that the first report would provide a basis for discussion among students, faculty, alumni, and trustees, and we have been gratified at the response. We hope that this report reflects the sense of these discussions. We are very indebted to all concerned for their interest and comment.

Since the issuance of the first report, several related events have transpired:

1. Planning Day was held on April 16, 1969;
2. The Planning Group visited each fraternity and dormitory;
3. The faculty elected a Planning Committee to replace and carry on the work of the President's Planning Group as of June 30, 1969;
4. President Hazzard sent a memorandum to the faculty supporting the planning program.

These events have shaped the progress of the Planning Group and this resulting report.

Approximately 150 students and 130 faculty with alumni and trustee representation attended Planning Day. Eight groups of about 35 members each carried on discussions based on the first report. A summary of these discussions is included herein. Complete records of each group recorder's minutes are available in the reference section of the library. At lunch on Planning Day, Professor Lawrence Neale discussed the results of a faculty questionnaire related to Institute goals. A summary of these results and the results of a similar student questionnaire are included in this report.

The Planning Group, at the request of interested students, visited the campus living groups, two members meeting with each group. Animated and positive discussions resulted in almost all cases. A summary of these discussions is also included in this report.

Several of the objectives only summarized in the March, 1969 report, are herein described in more detail.

Without at this time presenting a detailed financial analysis, this report discusses critical factors that must be considered when discussing quantitatively any future objective of WPI.

As noted in President Hazzard's memorandum to the faculty of May 30, 1969, planning will continue during the summer. The faculty elected Planning Committee, with the continued help of Professors Roadstrum and Weininger, anticipate meeting President Hazzard's objective. A report on this activity will be published in mid-September. The planning schedule has been revised accordingly.

It is hoped that these two reports will provide the necessary base for faculty, students, alumni, and trustees to work together in setting and implementing the future direction of WPI. Subsequent reports will document the results of these efforts.

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Last modified: Fri Mar 5 15:28:11 EST 1999