WPI Journal

Spring 1997


The Silicon Symphony
With powerful computers, a truckload of equipment, and hundreds of hours of work, Music Professor Frederick Bianchi can create an authentic digital orchestra. He says he'd like to use it to establish a new operatic tradition.
by Ray Bert '93
The Class of Aught Aught
The Class of 1900 and the Class fo 2000 each found a school in transition. Both felt the challenge of WPI's rigorous academics. And both sensed the special obligation that comes with graduating on the cusp of a new century.
by Joe Parker '93
The Best Laid Plans
In the final installment of this two-part series on the history of the WPI Plan, we look at the trials, tribulations and triumphs of the Plan's implementation and evolution, and at what may lie ahead for this groundbreaking program.
by Michael W. Dorsey
The Dawn of a New Global Era
Inaugurating a new series on the issues and opportunities WPI faces with the approach of a new millenium, the Journal explores the critical need in today's shrinking world to help students acquire a global perspective.
by Michael W. Dorsey
Letters Kudos for WPI Plan Special Issue; A Father in Roy Seaberg's Golf Cap.
Advance Word Enough People Who Cared
by Michael W. Dorsey
Final Word Revealing the Wonders of the North Atlantic
by Joan Killough-Miller

On the cover: Original painting by Laura Tedeschi. See: The Silicon Symphony. Back cover: Jonathan Bird '90 cruises the waters of the North Atlantic on an underwater "scooter." Photo by Tom Krauski '92; courtesy Oceanic Research Group. See: Final Word.
Entire contents ©1997, Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

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Last Modified: Thu June 10 11:51:29 EDT 1999