Network Access Across Campus for Laptops
As of the 2003-2004 Academic Year, public network access areas for use with your personal laptop are available. These areas include nearly all academic buildings, the library, and the Campus Center. To utilize these network ports, the laptop must have an ethernet port and be registered on the school network.
Also, as of the 2003-2004 Academic Year, wireless network access points are available. Over time, the wireless access area has grown to include a good portion of the campus, including the fountain and Quad.
- Information on the availability of the wireless network can be found on the Network Operations Wireless page.
- If you were interested on learning how to configure your laptop for the wireless network, visit the Wireless Laptop Configuration Page.
- To register your laptop for the school network (physical ports, not wireless), visit the Roaming Network Configuration Page.
Precautions and Protection
With laptops, it is always best to take precautions. Because they are small, fairly easy to steal, and fetch a high price when resold, laptops are often targets for theft. We suggest:
- Never leave your laptop computer unattended!
- Keep copies of your most important files on disc and keep the disc in a separate place (like your backpack or jacket).
- Consider storing your laptop in a bag that is not clearly a laptop bag. Some people feel most secure if they store the laptop bag inside a secondary bag.
Computer Recommendations
Visit the CCC Student Computers page for recommendations for laptop and desktop systems.
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